But now comes the hard part: giving him a name. We had a name picked out for a girl, and we were waiting to discuss boy names until we found out if that was actually necessary. I know we have time to work on this, but it's a hard process because we both take it personally when the other person doesn't like the name that we like. Don't expect me to tell what we land on, though. That will be a secret until he's born (at least to those outside of our family and closest friends).
They're making us go back in a month for another ultrasound. It has something to do with the umbilical cord being on the side which might affect the growth of the baby. I don't know. Nothing serious, but they want to make sure just in case.
Now for pictures...
So my belly isn't always quite this huge, but since it's the end of the night, it's protruding. By the way, I know it's hard to look at anything other than my giant boobs and stomach, but I got 6 inches (at least) cut off from my hair. No one noticed!
Here is the pack and play we bought for our baby. We will be using this instead of a crib. I'm in full nesting mode!
This is an art project I'm working on for the baby. The tree trunk has the lyrics to "I Hope You Dance." I'm still deciding what else I want to add.
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