Our little "nursery" in the corner of our room. It's quite cozy!
So we bought our crib a few weeks ago, and TJ was going to put it together that night. But when we opened the box, the backboard piece had a few huge scratches in it! So I called the company, and they said they would mail us a new piece. So we waited patiently and got that piece about two weeks later. TJ opened that box and got ready, for the second time, to put the crib together, and this piece was scratched too! I was so upset. The scratches were not as bad on the second piece, so we decided to just go with it.
TJ put about 75% of the crib together, and then he realized that he had switched a left and a right pole. So he basically would have to take apart everything and start at the beginning. He was so frustrated! At that point, it was 10:30 at night, so I told him he had to wait until the next day to do it.
Anyway, as you can see, the crib is finished! We bought a cute mobile, and thanks to my lovely sister in law Amber, we had some cute stickers to put on the wall. I'll tell you what, if this boy doesn't grow up to love animals... well, let's just say, he is most likely going to either love animals or hate them based on the exorbitant amounts of animal prints he is going to see around him.
I'm at 32 weeks. Baby and Mom are both healthy, so I can't complain too much. I've been having some pain that the midwife said is probably caused by a varicose vain. It is painful to walk most of the time and to switch to my other side when sleeping. I'm 1.5 lbs heavier than I wish I was right now, since my goal is to gain no more than the recommended 30 lbs.
I have enjoyed reading some of your posts this morning, Jess. Certainly love the ones on the prayers for your son and the reflections about God knitting our babies together in our wombs...knowing everything about them already :) He is such a good God and becoming a mother is such a wild, beautiful experience and gift. I'm watching my daughter playing with her books right now and marveling at how this adorable almost 2 year old started with God as a tiny "peanut" in MY womb! Now, she "runs" and dances and loves to read books - especially her picture Bible (OK so mainly just the Noah's Ark page with all the animals for now...). I hope you and TJ embrace these last few weeks of pregnancy and continue to trust God through the whole process. I look forward to hearing more about your life and little family through fb/blogging. And I'll remember to pray for you too when I'm going over my "labor" scriptures like a mad woman over the next couple weeks...I'll be 37 weeks this Saturday, which is when Elliott arrived. I love the unknowns sometimes because it's exciting and requires us to TRUST FULLY right?! haha Take care - hope you don't mind my super long comment!!!