Thursday, March 12, 2015

Q Update - 11 Weeks Old

Malcolm Quang, or Q as I like to call him, will be 11 wks old tomorrow. Wow, where has the time gone? Malcolm is, by far, a much more easy going baby than Blake was. He loves to sleep, which is great because I do too! He has slept some 9 hours stretches already. Blake didn't do that until he was over a year old! It is a huge blessing. Speaking of huge, Malcolm is a bit of a butterball at over 13 lbs. It's adorable.

Blake initially handled the transition well, but i think once he realized that Malcolm was here to stay, he was not happy. He started screaming almost every night. Still does about half of the time. We have been taking him into our bed and loving it actually, but sometimes it gets difficult because he wakes up when we have to get up. TJ and i are just doing what we can to survive and get some rest. Blake also wants to be held a lot when we go out, which can make it impossible to go out sometimes. He had a meltdown in the Chick Fil A parking lot because I tried to hold his hand rather than pick him up. He was grabbing onto my leg and screaming in the middle of the parking lot. In the rain. While I was holding a big diaper bag and heavy carseat. What a mess.

But Spring has finally sprung, and with that comes much excitement and hope for what the future holds. It has been a long winter adjusting to two, and unfortunately, I did not have much help with it, especially in terms of keeping Blake occupied. But we survived. I felt a lot like my family didn't care about Malcolm's arrival. It was tough for me because this little guy is very special. He is just as special as Blake and deserves just as much love. I didn't realize just how much I loved him until he was here. I kind of thought of him as Blake 2.0, but as he grows, I realize he is an individual. I am eager to see who Malcolm will be because he has already proven that he is much different from his brother (thank God for that!).

Speaking of comparison, this is Blake. He is about 7 weeks old in this photo.
And this one is Malcolm at 9 weeks. 

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