Tuesday, January 29, 2013

39.5 weeks: false alarm

So there I was at home, resting after doing some cleaning and organizing at my dad's house. I could tell my back was sore due to all the hard work, but then it started getting worse... so I thought maybe I'll just lie down and rest and feel better. But there was no position for my body to be in that made the pain lessen at all. Soon I was screaming and crying because it hurt so bad. I called my mom, and I told TJ he better come home from work because mom thought it could be labor starting. By this time, it was about 7 PM. We decided to go to the hospital, and we ran around finishing the labor bags just in case we would be staying.

The car ride to the hospital was just excruciating because my temperature kept fluctuating, and I felt so trapped in the car. My back hurt so bad I just couldn't even hardly breathe. I was already begging for an epidural and even a c-section. So there I am, in so much pain, and they make me come and check in at triage. They're asking me my phone number, address, emergency contact. They even asked me if I wanted to include my religious affiliation. I couldn't believe that I was sitting there, possibly in labor but definitely in pain, answering questions like this! They already had my information!

Finally we went to a room, and they hooked me up to a fetal heart rate monitor and a contraction monitor. I sort of had no choice but to lie in that uncomfortable bed in a certain position because of those monitors, so it wasn't fun. They were super busy in triage last night, so even when I pressed the help button, sometimes it took 20 minutes for someone to come.

They did two urine samples, and then they determined they needed to do an ultrasound because they started suspecting it was kidney stones. That ultrasound was the worst pain ever. She had to press on my kidney, where it was hurting the most. And then she was pressing really, really hard on my pelvic bone. I really felt like she was crushing my bones. I cried through the whole thing.

After that, I told them I needed pain meds. It took them probably a half an hour to get me a pill, and I'm not sure if the pill ended up helping me or not. 15 minutes after I took the pill, I vomited, so I might have expelled the pill anyway. I instantly felt better.

The doctor came in and told me that I had an inflamed kidney and a kidney stone. She told me I could stay at the hospital and be hooked up to an IV so it wouldn't be painful, or we could go home with a prescription for pain meds and wait for it to pass. I couldn't imagine staying in that hospital bed and gown for one more minute, so I opted to go home.

I was able to sleep through the night pain free, praise God! I haven't had any pain so far today, and I'm just drinking a lot of fluids to try to get this kidney stone to pass.

I am so SO thankful that I wasn't actually in labor, even though it was disappointing in some ways. I could not have survived a labor with that amount of back pain, not naturally anyway. So the 28th (the day TJ had been praying the baby would be born) has come and gone, and now, who knows. I'm preparing myself mentally for a February birth (a much bigger hospital bill) at this point. Guess we might be able to attend a Super Bowl party after all. Go Ravens! (I like that bright red color.)

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